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How to Maintain a Motorhome

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  • Motorhome checklist, Motorhome Maintenance, Motorhome Servicing
  • Posted date:
  • 07-06-2021
How to Maintain a Motorhome

Are you looking for tips and advice on how to maintain a motorhome? We have included a Motorhome Maintenance Checklist to help you keep your motorhome in excellent working condition.

Your Motorhome Maintenance Checklist

Maintenance for your motorhome is crucial. Many are likely to take to their motorhome for spontaneous day or weekend camping trips, so it's great to have your vehicle in a consistent good condition. Your motorhome may currently be in perfect condition; however, it likely won't stay that way. Over time your caravan may begin to show signs of ageing and plenty of wear and tear.

Should you continue as usual and allow this to happen, your motorhome can become uncomfortable living in whilst travelling. Eventually, your vehicle will lose plenty of its overall value. You may struggle in the future to sell it to potential customers or rent it out to others for holidays if you see your campervan as an investment or asset to sell. To prevent this from happening, you must invest in monthly or regular maintenance. There are numerous ways to maintain your motorhome to keep it in the best possible condition, suitable for any customer or occasion.

Here are some tips, examples of things to check and thoroughly inspect:

First, note that it is key to keep the manual; whilst this may be obvious information, your manual tells you all about the model in your possession, and it should be one of the first port-of-calls when you sense something is wrong mechanically.

 Check for Damp

Damp is quite an avoidable issue to have in either your household or in your campervan; however, you may still encounter it should you be unlucky. Catching damp can prevent it in the future as you'll be able to stop it from getting worse.

The best way to ensure it doesn't come is through checking your motorhome regularly, even if it has not been in use and turning off any heating when you are out camping or have left your vehicle momentarily.  

Before attempting to remove any damp, you must know how to spot it; here are a few signs that you may have dampness in your campervan. 

How to Maintain a Motorhome

You may notice stains that are visible on the walls and interiors of the vehicle. There may be patches of damp on the interiors, even if they don't particularly feel damp. When you press on the walls and interior, they may feel soft. You may be able to smell a musty scent inside your motorhome. You may also find black marks surrounding the window frames or lots of condensation

 Flush the Water

Ensure that you are consistently replacing the water in your motorhome campervan, even if you perhaps haven't used it for many months. If you plan or get prepared for a weekend away, replace the water and filters in your toilet's tank. Make sure you give it a deep flush out, cleaning and sterilising the tank. Doing so allows you to drink and bathe in fresh, clean water during your travels. 

 Check for Leaks

Leaks can mostly occur in the places where the motorhome has the most exposure to the outside or weather, for example, windows, seams, door frames and any seals that water or weathering may get through.

Leaks and water damage can cause numerous problems in your caravan motorhome, and your appliances may suffer.

Even slight puncture damage to the roofs or walls can cause breakthroughs and create huge gaps for water to slide through when it's raining.

Your Motorhome Maintenance Checklist

You will likely not even notice any minor damages during the summertime; however, it is still vital to check before harsh, wet weather comes. It is crucial to protect your campervan and all the inside appliances from any leaks as they can result in major damage. 

 Check Gas Appliances

It's vital to check all of your gas appliances and ensure they are all in tip-top condition. Sometimes pets or even insects in the air can cause problems over time with gas appliances or metal pipes, especially if your motorhome hasn't been in use in a while or used frequently. It can be quite an irritating problem, but it can also become hazardous should it get severe and you experience serious damage. 

 Check Other Appliances

It's helpful to properly check all other electrical items are in good condition and working order, whether it's a freezer, fridge, TV, etc. You can live far more efficiently in your motorhome when all your appliances run smoothly. After a few years of use, appliance as they begin to get old, they start to garner more problems. It is a handy habit to check them frequently to prevent this. 

 Ensure You Give it a Clean

Whilst this quite an obvious thing to do with any home, mobile home or not, you may not perceive yourself to be messy at all, but untidy or unclean appliances can cause significant problems down the line. 

Over time dirt and debris can impact the system and cause deterioration. To prevent this, give it a thorough clean from top to bottom.

Cleaning your motorhome

 Check the Battery

You must ensure to charge the battery in your motorhome. If you haven't used your motorhome in a long time, your battery or caravan itself may not perform correctly altogether. We would definitely recommend charging it frequently, especially after long trips or if you haven't driven in your motorhome anywhere for roughly six weeks. 

 Check the Oil

Like any other vehicle often on the road, checking the oil or coolant levels in the engine is necessary for any journey; it's essential maintenance that many regularly see. Should you need any oil topping up, do so as soon as possible and ensure you check any windscreen wipers. Be careful and make sure they have enough water to last the whole way through your next trip. 

 Check the Tyres

For those travellers on the road often, you must check the tyres are consistently in good condition and if not, be sure to pump the rubber or change them. 

Many of those with these trailers pretty much only use them in the spring or summertime, so if your motorhome has not been in any frequent use through the winter season, the tyre pressure often decreases. 

Leaving your tyres like that can cause blowouts on the road, and you could break down. Before you arrange your next family trip, check each of the tyre wheels carefully. 


Servicing your vehicle often allows you to become more aware of any problems you perhaps may not have seen otherwise. Before you decide to hit the road once again, ensure your MOT is done, all insurance is up to date and valid. If you were to get into an accident, all of these would have to be suitable for use. 

The Dangers of Mould and Mildew

Mould and mildew can become quite a problem in motorhomes and caravans. If it grows and is left un-seen to or unnoticed, it takes hold and is incredibly difficult to eliminate. 

When mould and mildew grow to extremes, it's time-consuming and costly for professionals to rectify. Most of the toxic mould lingering in the air isn't visible to the naked eye; however, it is perilous and can immensely affect your health. Without any clean, fresh air, the body is unable to function efficiently. 

Most mould is microscopic fungi, and it grows on top of surfaces, for example, inside kitchen cabinets, the corner of a room or on a loaf of bread. Small amounts of mould or mildew can't harm you; however, it can cause respiratory problems as you breathe in the toxins if it becomes more prominent and spreads through more areas. It may also lead to severe nervous system disorders and even allergic reaction symptoms. 

Mould is most likely to be found and live off any organic matter. Like most living things, it is most attracted to warm environments. However, humid places or where you may find damp are often where mould may grow, such as bathroom walls, near windows or window sills, wallpaper, or ceilings. 

Mildew is a form of fungus or mould, and it tends to grow in living spaces and places where the high levels of moisture in the air. It comes through the windows, walls, carpets and doors and can live on shower or bathroom walls. 

Moisture in campervans or motorhomes can be due to many factors; spills, damages, overflows, leaks, condensation or even high humidity. Eliminating moisture is the first port of action you may wish to take, and reducing the growth can be done.

Servicing Your Motorhome

Your motorhome trailer is a travel vehicle that should keep you and all your passengers safe on the road whilst you go on long journeys or trips. It would be best if you got it serviced as often as you would a car. 

There are two critical factors to all motorhome service that you must have seen. The base of your vehicle service is carried out frequently by workshop specialists, with all the products provided by the manufacturer providing the base vehicle for your specific motorhome model, whether it be Volkswagen van workshop, Fiat, etc.

It would help if you had professionals carry out services on your base vehicle at the correct times and mileage recommended by the manufacturer; each time and mileage is different for every model.

Doing so will allow all necessary mechanisms to be checked, such as the brakes, the engine, the gears, etc.

In addition, it is also essential to have your living area serviced regularly or at least annually. You get these services done by specialist motorhome dealers or at your local workshop.

Specialists can also offer further advice and suggestions on how to continue the maintenance until your motorhome receives further servicing. 

Habitation services for the living area include checks and repairs on all gas, electrical, water and central heating systems. They ensure all are thoroughly seen and maintained.

Servicing Your Motorhome

Most maintenance costs cover numerous services, so it's best to receive servicing for all you can for the long-term or short-term to extend the lifespan and usage. All appliances should have safety checks carried out by workshops or specialists; however, they don't require any complete services. We recommend appliances like fridges and freezers are serviced, especially if they usually run on gas.

Dealers should also ensure they check for any leaks or damps in the overall structure of the motorhome. Check your towing equipment or any other forms of storage, ensure that it's still in working condition, and it's ideal for frequent use. Storage spaces must be clean; stored, towed objects or other vehicles must be frequently checked.

Are you thinking of buying a Motorhome in the Newcastle area? We offer used and new motorhome stock from the leading brands.